Monday 21 June 2021

Different Faces of Dave

 Hello Summer Readers!

I am glad we know each other so well, so much so that I know you'll agree that it's a great idea that I try not turning on my computer on Sundays, which gives us all a day more in which I can work on Flight of Fancy, which will look that much better, even though that means you may not see a new FOF on Sundays!

You are so understanding!  Thanks!

Page 55

On this page, we see more of Dave than the gruff, crew cut military man who's quit with the uniforms and ties done up tight.

His brows are actually up in panel 3, and in the last panel he looks interested in something other than who's screwed up and why.  I feel we're seeing other sides of the character, which makes the story a bit more interesting.

My favorite panel is the first one - both Amar and Dave are drawn well and are "on model".  The 2nd panel in which Dave is reaching down for the blueprints required I act it and try to imagine how it looked.  I'm not so keen on how Dave looks in those last two panels - he doesn't quite look like the same person he was in the first panel - means I need to keep working on him and figuring out how he looks from various angles and different moods & attitudes.

The action and Dave's dialogue flows nicely across these panels. It does sound a bit canned and not entirely original, but who cares, right?!  This is Monday and I'm not writing the next great American novel!  Let's just hope I can finish this thing and that it will be understandable, somewhat consistent and entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. Another good page. Things are developing and I'm interested to see where you'll take us next.

    But -- no computer on Sundays?!!! I'm glad it gives you more time to draw but - how the heck do you do it?!!! Don't you wonder what's going on? Don't you miss videos of dogs doing tricks, cats being scared of cucumbers -- monkeys sniffing their butts?!!!!!!!

    I mean -- really!

    Illustrated Ghost


Thanks for your input!