Sunday, 23 August 2020

Major Frost

Hello Faithful Reader (that's you, I.Ghost!)

Here, for your viewing pleasure, at least I hope you like it... is page 3!!

Page 3

So firstly, I wanted to talk about the name on the jet below the pilot in the first panel. I think they stencil the pilot's name on the jet near where they sit, I'm not sure they do it, but I thought if it is done, it would be a cool, clean way to introduce the name of the pilot. When I did it, I didn't think about the name much, just pulled something from the air, and then when I started discussing this comic in this blog, I thought... I need a title for this thing, and came up with "Flight of Fancy", thinking, ahah! The pilot's last name will be "Fancy". We'll see if it sticks. I'm open to other ideas.

What I like in this page is how I was able to create a kind of "face to face" dialogue between the pilots in their planes (in panels 2 and 3), and the last panel is good and dynamic and I think it "reads" logically and well - you can see the jet coming in, then banking, pilot responds and then the jet zips off the page.

I can see shading is going to make this work, to separate the jets from the background, to show how they are turning / rolling and also to suggest mood, as the shadow and shadowy jet do in the 3rd panel.

Something I keep doing, but think is wrong, but am not yet sure how to handle is the smoke trails behind the jets. I think I need them to show where they were, but I don't think there would be a contrail behind a jet flying low in an arid environment. 



    (how's that for a comment?)


  2. Well... perhaps a bit thin on content, but the emotion is good.

    Sounds like you are channelling Major Frost's (Fancy's) frustration with the pilot of Cardinal 2.

    Guess the comic is working!


Thanks for your input!