Thursday, 12 June 2014

One Voice

When I was in high school, we played a game called Strategem in which each player acted as a minister in government.  One player would demand money to develop the military, another would request funds for agriculture, another would need money to develop resources, another would request funds to keep the country's environment clean and all players would have to agree on how to distribute the money.  The goal was to work together to operate the country and make it "successful" - I can't remember what or how success was defined or scored. 

Despite the name, it was a simulation that showed how each department had to work together to make the country "work".  Most interestingly (to me) was how industry minister and environment minister were often at odds.  If industry got too little and the environment got lots, your country would limp along, if most of the money went to industry, the environment would take a hit and in a few rounds your country would crash.  Maybe the game needed a tourism minister who could show that a beautiful environment would bring tourist dollars?!  Anyway...

When Stephen Harper said what he said (shown in the cartoon above), I was amazed and pleased that he was (I think) honest, but also very disappointed. 

I can't do much, but I can voice my frustration and talk about my hopes and dreams.  I can speak about what I think is wrong and what I think is important and how I want the world to be.  But this isn't just about me.  On this voting day in Ontario and everywhere else and every day hereafter, lets start talking about what we want, what's right, what's wrong and how we want OUR world to be.

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